
Universal Studios

Judging by my sudden spam of Harry Potter goods on Snapchat, some of you have probably deduced that a couple days back my brother — being the naggy child he is (he's 19) — insisted on us all going to Universal Studios. I guess it's a little ironic that on what was meant to be our last day in Kyoto, we took the JR to Osaka. 

I need to request forgiveness for the onslaught of unartistic, probably amusing photos that were taken that day (except for that one polaroid of Zoe (see: Sesame Street) and I — that one's still going to be hung up when I'm fifty-two with seven dogs).

My brother's caption for this: "BELIEVE IT, I'm going to make it out in ONE PIECE"
*cue slow and hesitant applause* 

Can you believe this exists?! We definitely had to get a pack.

"It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!"

Cutest of the cute :')

Moomin pasta! Hear the sound of my brain exploding while trying to comprehend this.
So that concludes my day at Universal Studios Osaka! 
Despite my reluctance to make a Youtube account, the Kyoto video will be online and posted, so please go check that out when it comes up!

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