
Taipei (XC 2015)

Funny how I'm writing my Taipei travel log in Hong Kong — I guess this just goes to show how busy IB has been keeping me (or just what a lazy butt I am).
Some background info: I went to Taipei for three days for a Cross Country meet and home-stayed with other international school students in Taipei. Despite travelling there only a couple years ago, I barely remembered anything about the city so it was pretty much starting from a blank slate, which is always fun especially with my (extremely forgetful) teammates. Keep scrolling for the photos!!

Friday: Arrival + meeting homestays!

Arguably some of the best airplane food I've ever had..

Saturday: Race day!

Exploring Taipei after the race :~)

Fun convenience store finds — check my Instagram (@06shiya) for an embarrassing video of me slurping eating melting ice cream!

"there's something wrong with that sign"

*insert sound clip of sad party horn*

I feel like I need to talk about this but there really is nothing to talk about..

What happens when you have a trash can right in front of a juice stall :-/

The night market!! Where you can't see anything you're eating :~)

"What's in that? It better not be liver." (it was liver)

Hahahahaha I'm terrible

Sunday: Taipei 101 and then flight back home~

Taipei 101!


Literally I'm just buying more polaroid film and after I finish paying I turn around to see this... cue me apologizing to the store owner 20 times for whatever this is.

Can you believe I consumed this? Me neither.

More food at the airport~

I arrived home pretty late at night but was able to skip practice the next day — much to my mom's relief, as she'd been nagging me to "come home early for once in your life". 
Anyways, that's that! Expect my Hong Kong travel log soon as well!!

:-) 诗雅

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