
Not actually done with exams yet..

As they say, spring only lasts about two weeks in Beijing — and it’s definitely not spring anymore. The weather is scorching (spend five minutes outside and you’re guaranteed to sweat), and the pollution isn’t so bad, either. The past two weeks’ purposes were reviewing for exams and taking exams. But of course, my attention sought things other than solving logarithms and drawing methyl chains, and below is a log of what I’ve been doing besides slaving away at my desk.

Wednesday after-school hangs with Nicole :-)

...aaaand after-exam hangs with Nicole!

"Studying" at cafe benne

On the walk home — the famous "pants building"


My purchases: 


A text I sent my friend: "I am dressed like an angel... literally... you'll see"


School wasn't mandatory because I didn't have an exam that day; I took the subway to a bookstore nearby.

And that's it! Apologies for an incredibly long, boring dump of images (the amount of photos I manage to take in a short space of time always amazes me...) I've got one more (very chill) week of school, some days for yearbook signing and a sports day where I'll likely be injured for catching a frisbee the wrong way — and then I'm free!! 
Good luck to those who are still taking exams and congratulations on those who have finished them. I wish you the very best end to your year.
:-) ่ฏ—้›…

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